Whisky, weather - and a harmonica - push a business partnership to breaking point in the isolation of a Northland Kauri Forest of yesteryear.

Deep in a Northland forest, Alfred (60s) and Jack (40s) awaken amid the filth of their campsite, the throbbing of their skulls a sure-sign they spent yesterday evening piss-drunk. They take stock of one another – tension in the air - a lot was said last night.

Theirs is a partnership of necessity; it takes two to pilfer gum from atop the mighty kauri and work must continue despite resentments that simmer between them. Jack trills upon the harmonica in disregard of Alfred’s headache, Alfred barks orders while Jack relieves himself behind a tree. 

They set about their daily grind; older harnesses younger and heaves as Jack perilously scales the trunk to summit the kauri crown. But as they labour, aftershocks of their quarrel resurface and resonate in Alfred’s head.

Alfred locks the rope as Jack scavenges their bounty, secreting some away for himself. After pillaging whatever he can get hands on, Jack drops the bags of gum to Alfred below. With the lion’s share at his feet, Alfred spits a soliloquy releasing the tensioned rope that coils cruelly to the ground. Gathering their haul – Jack left screaming and helpless in the crown – Alfred turns and disappears into the thick entrapping bush.

Short drama film
Writer & Director: Mark Mitchinson 
Producer: Phillida Perry