Pink-haired, polarising, & pissing people off.

Feature documentary film
Director: Gwen Isaac
Producers: Alex Reed & Phillida Perry 

Ms. INFORMATION is a revealing rollercoaster ride through the life and times of a polarizing scientist, mother and leader. 

It traces the triumphs and tears of Dr Siouxsie Wiles, a non-conforming pink-haired scientist whose unique skill at communicating life-saving science catapults her into the limelight when Covid hits New Zealand. 

Siouxsie’s outspoken nature and distinctive appearance turn her into a much-awarded feminist icon but also make her a target for violent and threatening abuse. And when she won’t back down and insists on remaining her unconventional self, the attacks intensify to reveal the angst of a small nation in flux.  

As the storm rages, teenage daughter Eve watches her Mum face off bullies and misogyny,  developing her own theories on the peaks and pitfalls of being a woman of influence.